



Bermuda is a unique tropical-island paradise located in a remote corner of the western Atlantic Ocean. It is a peaceful vacation spot nestled in a sparkling blue-green sea. When the wind blows, Bermuda's islands, islets and outcrops are washed with white-topped, cool-green waves.

It's the diversity of color that first enraptures many visitors to Bermuda—not just of sky and sea but also of sand, trees, shrubs and flowers. The beaches are creamy white and flecked with pink; the trees are a variety of lush greens. Pink oleander lines the roadsides, and riotous vines tumble over limestone walls. Even the houses on Bermuda are colorful—pastel walls topped by white stepped roofs.

Add to this excellent restaurants, no cars, reliable sunshine, opportunities to purchase European goods, and a variety of land and water activities, including cricket, afternoon tea and sailing, and it's no wonder that vacationers return to Bermuda year after year.

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